Saturday, November 20, 2010

Will Ribeiro Interview

Will Ribeiro

Interview done by: Adam Buck Clark for Lets Bang Em' MMA

LBEMMA: How was your experience fighting in the WEC?

WILL: My experience thankfully, was much good, I liked much of fight the WEC an event of tip, the American public received me super well, I did mine better inside the ring, in the mine two fights, an against the chese beebe and to another one against the Brian Bowles were beautiful fights, detach me very in the event, so much is, that when I suffered the accident of motorbike here in Brazil, the owner of the wec It linked wanting date more 4 fights with me, but was interned in him I HAD of the Hospital of the Andaraí.

LBEMMA: Do you find the style from Brazil fighters is different from the Americans?

WILL: Yes, nobody is better or worse, barely different, I believe that the Brazilians live of a lot form sacrificante here in our country, do not we have support, sponsorship, do not we have many things to our favor, the M.M.A in Brazil in the open Tv, is not very well seen by the batter. Few they like and valued, to big majority finds the very violent sport, stays difficult of the people obtain support.

LBEMMA: Did training alongside the fighters at BlackHouse make you a better fighter?

WILL: Not, I before of fight M.M.A fought Boxing, I am champion of English Boxing and athlete of the Olympic Selection of Permanent Boxing, pentacampeão person from Rio de Janeiro of Boxing by the State of the Rio de Janeiro, I taught of Boxing, for Rodrigo Walnut, Anderson hisses and Rogerio Walnut. I am champion before of fight M.M.A.

LBEMMA: Has being involved in a life changing accident made you a different person in the sense that your beliefs have changed?

WILL: Not, I have faith in God, today I am alive graces to him, my life changed very here in Brazil, my businessmen do not help me, alone I have God and my brother to who I be able to trusted.

LBEMMA: Could you tell me exactly what happened?

WILL: I suffered grave accident of motorbike in Town Isabel, I beat the head in the ground, I had cranial injury, stay with my half of the body partially paralyzed, I lost 80% of the vision, still I am going to operate my sight, and I am going to put a protese in my skull, I am going to do a surgery of cranioplastia, do not I have a complete handling, is lacking myself of everything, do not I have support of nobody, to food is lacking me.

LBEMMA: I want to personally thank you on behalf of all MMA fans for sharing your story. Is there anything you would like to say to anybody out there?

WILL: I am going to thank mine big friend James Ryan, he is being a big brother in the my life. I love he truthfully.

It obliged to all of the Americans by the consideration and respect to the near one.

Will Ribeiro.

As you can see, Will Ribeiro is someone who posseses courage, heart, and integrity. He is someone who desperately needs help. Personally, the only way I can help is by what I am doing right now by spreading his word. I hope that someone out there will read this and truly give Will the help he needs. Also, to Will, O deus Abençoa meu amigo


This artile was translated though an online translator. I apoligize if you have a hard time undertsnading this. Some words dont translate properly from portugese to english.

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